Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Festival Hydro.
To contact our Accounts Payable department, please email
Need to apply for a new account? Contact our Customer Service Department for an application.
Residential Meter Base Notice (Underground Supply):
Effective September 20, 2022, Festival Hydro will not accept compression lug type meter base connections on the line side of the meter base for new connections or service upgrades. The meter base shall have tunnel type connectors. The installed meter base shall be approved by CSA as well as conform to Festival Hydro’s Conditions of Service Section - Single Phase Metering 240/120 Volt.
For questions about disconnects and reconnects, or if requesting a new or upgraded electrical service, fill out the forms here. For other inquiries email our knowledgeable electrical engineering staff at They can help you with a range of inquiries including:
As per the Ontario Energy Board’s letter of direction, Festival Hydro Inc. (FHI) is making available distribution system capacity maps for their entire service territory.
These Load Capacity Maps illustrate the estimated available capacity on the FHI electric distribution system. The sole purpose of the maps is to provide general information to customers to allow them to identify areas where interconnections could be added which may require fewer significant modifications to the FHI system. The information in the maps is provided on an as-is and as-available basis and is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete or current. You shall not rely upon the capacity maps for the exact location of FHI infrastructure and you remain obligated to call One Call to obtain locates prior to performing any ground disturbance. FHI expressly disclaims any warranty, representation or guarantee in connection with the capacity maps and the information therein. Use of the capacity maps is solely at your risk and discretion.
Details of a potential interconnection will be required prior to FHI being able to determine what, if any, modifications to the electric distribution system are required to accommodate the interconnection you are contemplating. The feasibility, cost and timelines to interconnect to the FHI system are affected by many factors, and can only be determined following detailed studies. Issues extraneous to FHI may also impact the suitability of a proposed interconnection point, including, but not limited to, permitting.
Information on the process to connect load projects to the FHI system can be found within FHI’s Conditions of Service document.